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Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers досрочный вариант 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It has been widely discussed in recent years whether a summer holiday in village is the most beneficial alternative for adolescents. Some people claim that spending summer break in a countryside is the best way for young people, while others believe that this type of vacation does not suit for teenagers.

In my opinion, spending summer holidays in a village is the best option for youngsters. There are several reasons why I think so. First of all, spending summer time in the countryside has a lot of benefits for teenagers since it has a positive effect on their health. For instance, in a village youngsters breath fresh air, they can swim in a lake or a river, eat healthy food, which they can grow by themselves. Moreover, being without internet connection they forget about video games and social networking sites.

Therefore, they start exercising daily, playing volleyball, basketball.

On the other hand, it is thought by many people that youngsters should not spend their summer vacation in a village. They argue that this way teenagers will be bored, because they are far from friends and do not have opportunities to chart with them.

As for me, I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above. I am convinced that spending holidays beyond the town will not be boring for young people, since there they can make new friends and talk to the relatives. Moreover, adolescents can help their grandparents by gardening and taking care of a cattle.

In conclusion, I am convinced that it is really beneficial for youngsters to spend summer holidays in the countryside. In a village they can experience new emotions, enjoy beautiful sights and nature, while swimming, exercising and making new friends.


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