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Classmates make the best friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, friendship is one of the most valuable things for everyone. Some people claim that we find our best friends at school, while others consider that there are lots of places where we can make the best associates. In this essay I would like to look upon this issue.

Personally, I believe that at school we acquire our best friends. First and foremost, you spend a lot of time together, thus you are getting attach to each other. Secondly, at school we look for the person with the same views and tastes, so he will be your mate forever. Finally, school years are the best years in our life. We go through all obstacles and difficulties with classmates, thus they become our best friends.

Nevertheless, we can find the opposite opinion.

According to it, you never know where you will meet your soulmate. Firstly, all of us have various hobbies, therefore everyone can find his best friend at courses of cooking, for instance. Secondly, when we finish school, we will entrance at the university, where we can meet the best friends.

However, I do not agree with this point of view. Firstly, classmates always are divided into companies depending on their interests. Secondly, you will never know what a person will be your fellow student. Maybe you cannot find a one who will have the same values and so on.

To sum up, I would like to say that school classmates will our best friends all time because we share an enormous part of our life with them.


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