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«Government should support those who use more public transport» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

9 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

There is no doubt that in the modern world people use different ways of movement. Some people think that the state ought to promote citizens who ride on public transport but others claim that cabinet of ministers should not support men are more users of public transport than other kinds of movement.

In my opinion, government should promote those who use more public transport. Firstly, using public transport leads to small quantity of traffic jams and congestions on the roads. Secondly, movement on public transport is more cheap and nature-friendly way to move than personal transport for everybody, thus, government would help society to make a correct decision.

Nevertheless, there are those who suppose that the state ought not to support citizens who ride on public transport more because it is not comfortable to ride on public transport, all people should seek to buy own transport.

If government encourage them, people will not buy machines and it will damage for state's automobile business.

However, I do not agree with above opinion. I am convinced that government should encourage citizens who use more public transport because it fighting with economic problems such as high level of unemployment, lack of workplaces.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I strongly believe that the state ought to promote citizens who ride on public transport more because then other people will get motivation to use public transport and realise it is better than movement on other kinds of transport.

Оценка эксперта:


Аспект 2. Аргументы раскрыты неполностью. (+/-)

Аспект 4. Аргументы не противоположны контраргументам. (-)

К2-организация. Балл может быть снижен за логику из-за ошибок в К1.


should not support men are more users of public transport than(очень непонятно построено предложение)

ride on public transport(лучше сказать Go/Travel BY)

machines (Cars)

above opinion.(opinion mentioned above)


more cheap(cheaper)

К5-орфография и пунктуация. Грубых ошибок нет.

В целом.






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