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38. Transport, keeping fit (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays more people try to become stronger and healthier. The aim of the product I am currently working on is to explore how people keep fit in Zetland. As a part of my project I have found some table on this subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 38% of the respondents doing yoga to keep fit, making it the most popular way. Almost one third of the people going on a diet (31%). The least way is changing sleeping schedule, at 6%.

The table also shows that going on a diet slightly more than twice as popular as going to the gym.

It can be seen that maintaining an athletic body depends on proper nutrition.

One problem that can arise with ways of keeping fit is that people might harm their health. To solve this problem people should consult with doctors what should you do to keep fit.

I think that sport makes our life healthier and better. Physical exercises help pump up muscles and balanced diet leads to better health. Keeping fit is an important role in our life it helps people to live longer.

Transport makes people’s life better. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore what transport is most preferred by people in Zetland. As a part of my project, I have found a table with some data on the subject, which I’m going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, almost half of the respondents use cars (49%), making it the most popular transport among surveyed in Zetland. It’s also worth mentioning that 17% of the people prefer buses. The least way of transportation is go by train, at 9%.

The table also shows that there are 12 % of the surveyed choose. This kind is fourth times less than people who prefer cars. This is due to the fact that cars is much more convenient and safer way of moving for a long distance.

One problem that can arise with transport is that it is so dangerous. To solve this problem, people should be

In my opinion, music plays an important part in our life. Teenagers can’t imagine their life without music. It helps to recreate, it gives o lot of new emotions and inspiration.


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