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The Internet is the greatest time-waster пример эссе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

The internet plays an important role in our life. It helps us to find out an interesting information and discover something new. Some people believe that IT technologies make us spend all our time for nothing but others think that it is not quite true.

In my opinion, the internet is the biggest invention of all time. I cannot agree with these people who suppose it to be the waste of time, because a huge amount of information can be found in the social network. Furthermore, this device can aid us to purchase many goods in online-shops staying at home. A lot of possibilities are developing now. For instance, a new ability to study online was discovered. With the help of it you can study without leaving the house and even obtain an education diploma.

Also, there are people who think that the internet is the waste of time.

I suppose they believe that playing video games for a long time can lead to inability to reflect. Moreover, there are lots of false information you should not trust to.

I definitely share all these opinions, but I believe that the internet is more useful in our daily life rather than it is just loss of time because there is an enormous amount of valuable information.

To conclude, I would like to say that the internet is not a waste of time because it allows us to do the things we could not do earlier. Nowadays a whole new world is discovered for us.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - Аспект 4 - несогласие с контраргументом. Аргумент в 4 абзаце должен полностью опровергать мнение в абзаце 3. Вы пишете про видео игры, но не опровергаете это. Приводите аргумент про информацию, но об этом же вы упоминали в собственных аргументах в абзаце 2. Таким образом, ничего нового вы не пишете.

К2 - организация. Не соблюдена логичность (как раз из-за несоответствия контраргументов их опровержению)

К3 - лексика - имеются лексические ошибки. Пример:

information you should not trust to
(устойчивое выражение trust somebody/something. to не требуется)

К4 - грамматика - 3 балла.

К5 - орфография и пунктуация - все нормы соблюдены.

В целом:

К1 - 2

К2 - 2

К3 - 2

К4 - 3

К5 - 2

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