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Single-sex secondary school help students achieve better academic results (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are different opinions about schools where children should study. Some people think that students in single-sex secondary school study better, while other people claim that schools should be coeducational.

I strongly believe that separating boys and girls is unnecessary. Firstly, it is unhealthy in term of children`s social development. Boys and girls can communicate with each other and also share knowledge during the learning process. Girls can teach boys something and boys can also exchange experiences with girls. Many coeducational schools are extremely successful and students there achieve excellent academic results. Secondly, a mixed-sex environment is more representative of real life. This provide children with better social skills for adult life.

Teenagers go to universities after school. Thanks to the coeducational school the educational environment will be familiar to them and it will be easier for them to adapt in a new team with boys and girls.

However, there are people who claim that children should study in all-boys and all-girls schools. They think that discipline problem can worsen the learning process. This problem might be avoided by separating boys and girls.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. I think that discipline problems can appear both in single-sex and coeducational schools. This depends on the behaviour and upbringing of children. Behaviour problems are not completely avoided in single-sex schools.

All in all, I still believe that mixed education is the best way to teach children. This gives students life skills in addition to academic ones. Children learn and socialize well in coeducational schools.


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