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Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a heated debate, whether social skills of real life can be lost because of communication in the Internet. This issue is rather controversial and relevant nowadays.

Personally, I think that the influence of the virtual communication is actually dangerous for our real social skills. Firstly, you will use social networks again and again spending a whole day there. People who are addicted to virtual communication will not be able to speak coherently in real life. Secondly, there is the difference between how people mingle in social nets and how they do it live. We are inherently braver in the Internet. Consequently, in a complicated situation in reality we will not be able to pull ourselves together and respond as boldly as we used to.

However, there is a contradictory view.

Some people are sure, that the Internet communication is harmless for social life. They claim that this way will improve speech skills in general. You will learn how to choose the right words and then use them in your life.

Anyway, I do not share this opinion. I believe, that in reality, we speak with emotions. This make it easier for the other person to understand us, when they look at our movements. You cannot learn that in the net.

To conclude, I can say that we need to convince everyone that only live communication makes it possible to fully understand the interlocutor. Online communication is really harmful for us.


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