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Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills example first (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.

Nowadays it is generally suggested that humanity degrades in usual social abilities of present life referring to the over-usage of technological social networks interaction. However, some teenagers do not agree with this statement and support the opposite point of view.

To my mind people truly forget the essential communication skills as most of them are focused only on ones’ appearance on photos, becoming self-centered and shy. Moreover, a significant part of people will choose texting to somebody rather than meeting in real life, because it safes your identity and personal borders. In addition, virtual platforms satisfy only personal desires, consequently setting up selfishness in modern society.

Nevertheless, some teenagers claim that internet interaction allows them to make new friends all over the world. Adding to it, not to forget about best friends from the former living place, youth may keep in touch with everybody.

Personally, I can’t fully agree with the teenagers’ opinion since such communication doesn’t allow to hug, share the touching effect, valuable for the humanity.

esides, it will be disappointing if a former friend is no longer interested in written emails.

To sum up, I’m convinced that online communication platforms remove essential real-life social skills by making people shy, prioritizing personal comfort and ego, even though a significant number of teenagers tend to make virtual pen-friends and keep in touch with them.

Words: 225


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