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40. Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in the world in which people spending a lot of time on the Internet. Some persons think that Internet communication deprives people of the ability to get along with people in life.

ut other people find that communicating online helps people acquire new communication skills.

As for me, I believe that Internet communication negatively affect people. It seems to me that live communication helps us see the emotions of the interlocutor.

ecause of virtual communication, people lose the ability to understand each other. Nowadays, the problem of sociopathy is quite common. I think the reasons for the development of this problem are clear. Shortage of live communication develops a fear of people.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue.

Some people believe that communication on the network reveals them from a different side. They acquire new skills. For example, they struggle with their personal complexes.

I believe that virtual communication really robs people of social skills. Human is a biosocial being and without communication we will forget how to understand each other.

There are different opinions about this. I agree that virtual communication deprives people of social skills. And therefore, in turn, I urge everyone to establish live communication so as not to lose yourself.


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