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Volunteering is essential for teenagers' personality (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the volunteering has become a pretty much widespread movement. Some people are sure that this has a big importance among the caste of teenagers, whereas others do not think that this is somehow essential for them.

What concerns me, I personally think that volunteering influences youngsters in a great way and is significant in forming a personality. To start with, it helps them dramatically to realize the true meaning of helping other people who are in a great need. Moreover, working as a volunteer makes each young boy or girl gain practical skills which would eventually come in handy in their future life. In the end, it develops social experience of representatives of the new generation.

In spite of all of that, there are still some people who do not think that volunteer's work is as useful as it is said to be.

Firstly, teenagers work for free and do not get a dime for their work, regardless of it significance. Finally, constant working requires a great deal of vigor and energy.

However, despite its difficulty and how much it sometimes exhausts people, the volunteering is still an essential occupation for youngsters. It develops people's virtues, increasing them strongly. Besides, this job helps its «workers» with obtaining a lot of devoted friends , which is a way more important than any money.

To conclude what I have said before, I would like to restate that the importance of volunteering job as it is very hard to overestimate because it helps incomparably in forming teenagers' personality.


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