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Clothes people wearing CAN influence their behavior (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays,the topic of clothes is very popular. Some people think that people’s garments are able to impact their behavior. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. They consider that outfits people are wearing cannot influence the way people behave.

In my opinion, outfits have a big influence on people’s behavior. Firstly, clothing styles are different in different situations and places. For example, when people wear formal suits or uniform, they are more disciplined than people at parties wearing casual clothes, it makes them feel free and cheerful. Secondly, garments define people’s confidence. People’s behavior depends on their feelings and especially confidence. When someone wears expensive, luxurious clothes, he or she fells confident, but in cheap clothes with bad quality people feel unconfident and confused.

That is why clothes can influence on people’s actions.

However, many people believe that all people can wear different clothes in different colors or styles and it cannot change their behavior because they feel the same in any clothes.

I cannot agree with the above mentioned opinion. I think that colors of outfits have a lot of influence on people’s behavior. Someone in black clothes usually feels bad emotions, while others in bright clothes feel only positive emotions and they are in good mood, it is very important for working or studying. It is proven by scientists that people in a good mood do everything better than in a bad mood. Finally, people’s feelings have impact on their behavior and that is why clothes have influence on behavior.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that garments have a big impact on the way people behave.


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