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Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friends are the people who can help us in the difficult times, we can trust them our secrets. The connection between friends calls friendship. This type of relationship takes a lot of attention from everyone who has it. We have to see our friends, visit them. And we should not bother them too often.

I guess that it is true. Everything that is unusual and comes to us seldom has a big value for us. Even bad things begin to lose the matter for us if they happen too often. We can’t visit our friends too often, because they have their own life, we can’t replace it.

But some people will say that it is impossible to increase friendship without seeing the friend every day. That relations will stop like a broken car.

Maybe it is true, because relations depend too much on emotional exchanging, and if you miss one day, tomorrow it can happen again, and after tomorrow and e.t.c.

The reason why this view is wrong is that human relations are more distant in time. Also we missing the fact, that there not only we are and our friend exist in the world. He has relatives, other friends and many other things. And as I have already told, things have the value, when they rare. Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote in the “Citadelle”, that we can’t celebrate the winning of the war every day, or we can’t be happy by the same view of the landscape all the time. Our tiredness makes us happy and brings the value, but after while it goes away. There is the same thing with friendships. We came to the friend, but he has nothing to tell. And if we see him sometimes, he has new stories to tell, has the new landscape.

In the end I can say that it is hard to tell what is the best way to keep relations increasing. Everyone is different, but for me seldom visiting is good solution. Sometimes I can take all attention of my friends, and they are bored from me.


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