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Friendship increases in visiting friends seldom (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom.

It is believed by some people that if you do not visit your friend often, your relationships get stronger. However, others have different point of view. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, friendship does not increase in visiting fellows seldom. Firstly, if you do not meet with your friend often enough, you cannot be aware of troubles he or she goes through and you cannot help to deal with them. Your friend can stop trusting you, and thus losing the trust can wreck your friendship. Moreover, according to my personal experience, if you do not visit your friend regularly, he can suggest that your friendship is not meaningful to you, and thus you can fall out. So it is extremely important to communicate with mates frequently.

However, some people believe the friendship increases in visiting fellows seldom.

They say if you do not see your friend for a long time, your relationships get stronger because when you do not meet with your friend often, you start missing each other and more interesting topics for discussion appear.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement. Visiting friends seldom does not increase friendship. You can become unaware of each other’s changes of interests, character and hobbies. As a result, you and your friend become almost strangers, you cannot find common objects for discussion and drift apart.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that visiting friends regularly is essential because it allows to keep strong relationships with them.


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