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All school subjects should be equally important for a pupil пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people speak about school subjects. Some of them believe that students should know all subjects because they are necessary for life. While others insist that learning all school subjects does not play a big role for teenagers.

As far as I am concerned, only some subjects are really important for pupils. Firstly, if students equally spend time on all subjects, they will waste all their life at school. In addition,some of them can feel tired and sick. Secondly, almost every teenagers want to chat with their friends, go to party, cheer up and have got a hobby. However, constantly learning all subjects can lead to lose all these entertainments. Thus, kids cannot socialize, make friends and develop skills which will be useful in the future life.

There is a different point of view,everything that school gives to come in handy in the life.

That is why all subjects are important. To begin with, teachers make up a schedule. This timetable includes relaxation, studying, snack. Thus, students can learn all subjects. Moreover, schools have such subjects which learn pupils to communicate and acquire with new people.

I cannot agree with this opposing opinion because I think that every student should prepare to their future job and learn only subjects which in handy in it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that nowadays successful specialist enough disassembles and work in only one area.


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