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Project work 2. Write about your grandparent or great-grandparent. Illustrate your story with pictures (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Unit 2; Step 10; упр. 9; стр. 93.

Вариант ответа №1

I would like to write about my grandfather Pyotr. He is sixty-five years old. He was born on the twenty-fifth of July. He is tall and handsome. He has dark hair and brown eyes.

My grandfather has a lot of interests and hobbies. He likes reading books about wild animals and farm animals, watching films about nature, painting beautiful country landscapes and cooking tasty dishes.

He also collects old coins and unusual stamps.

Grandfather Pyotr can drive a car and a bike. Some of his family say that it is dangerous because he is already rather old, but he says that he still sees very well.

My grandfather likes to spend time with his family. He has a very big family: a wife, two children, five grandchildren and many other relatives. When we visit our grandfather, we always have a great time. We watch television, play chess and table tennis, cook and eat tasty food, do crosswords and speak about interesting things.

I love my grandfather Pyotr very much!

Вариант ответа №2

I have a lot of relatives and I love them all. Now I want to say about my great-grandfather Oleg. He is 96 years old. He was born in 1924 in the city of Moscow.

My great-grandfather is very brave. When he was 17 years old, he went to war. He did not know much about war then, but he wanted to defend his country and his land. Now he often speaks about that war and says that he lost a lot of his friends at that time.

During his long life my great-grandfather learnt a lot of things, he is a very clever man. He knows history, biology and medicine very well. Now he is on pension, but until 75 he worked as a doctor in a big Moscow hospital.

He is interested in fishing, gardening and cooking. When he comes to our place or when we go to his place, we play different games and speak about something interesting. We often go out together to walk our dog and take beautiful pictures. Great-grandfather Oleg likes taking pictures because in his youth there were no cameras.

I love my great-grandfather so much!


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