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Project work 3. Write what you do to keep healthy. Illustrate your story with pictures (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Unit 3; Step 10; упр. 9; стр. 136.

Вариант ответа №1

I think that all people should care about their health. I do a lot of things to be healthy and not to get ill.

First, I always keep regular hours. Many of my relatives and friends say that it is very difficult. I find it difficult too, but I must do it. In the past I didn't keep regular hours and often felt tired. Now I feel good and healthy every day.

I get up early in the morning and go to bed before midnight in the evening.

Second, I have a healthy diet. I never eat fast food or drink coffee. I prefer fresh vegetables, fruit and cherries from my parents' garden, different cold juices, meat, sea and river fish. I try not to eat after eight o'clock in the evening.

Third, I enjoy sport and games. I go to a gym three times a week to do different exercises that make my body stronger. In summer I often invite my classmates and friends to play basketball or football together. In winter my father takes me to the nearest forest where we ski and play snowballs.

So, keeping fit is very important in our life.

Вариант ответа №2

I want to be healthy and I do a lot to make my health better.

I think that people cannot be healthy if they are not happy. To feel happy, I take my dog out for a walk every day, play with it in the street, meet my friends and have a great time with them, eat tasty food, watch wonderful films on TV, read funny books and do many other interesting things. All this helps me to be in a good mood all the time.

But it is not enough. I try to move a lot and do different exercises. I enjoy my PE lessons at school, run around my house in the evenings, play football and basketball with my cousins, go roller-skating in summer and skiing or snowboarding in winter.

I like spending my free time outdoors even if the weather is not very good because I find it very important to get enough fresh air. I can walk near my house or in the forest. If the weather is too bad, I open the window in my room and let the fresh air get inside.

I also eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of juice. It gives me energy and useful vitamins.

Two weeks ago I bought a thick book about keeping fit. I think it is a very useful book and I will read it soon.


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