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Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page in your English Album. Write about the place where you live (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку;

ainbow English; 6-й класс; Unit 1; Step 10; упр. 8; стр. 51.

Вариант ответа №1

I would like to write a few words about the place where I live.

I live in the city of Yaroslavl. I am very happy to live in this place because it has a lot of interesting things to see and do. First of all, in Yaroslavl there are many old buildings: churches, cathedrals, fortresses, etc. Then, Yaroslavl has numerous museums that you can visit to learn more about the city, its history and people.

By the way, as our city is popular among tourists, we can often meet people from different places of our country and even from abroad.

I think it is exciting because it is a good way to make friends and find out about other places of the world. One more thing that I like about my hometown is that you can never get bored here – we have lots of theatres, cinemas, amusement parks, and even a zoo. Finally, I like the local nature – in the centre there flows the Volga, and you can see tall trees all around the city.

Вариант ответа №2

I want to tell you about the place where I live.

I live in the town of

abayevo. It is a small town near Vologda. I like my town because it is a quiet place with beautiful northern nature. There is a river here where we swim in summer and fish all the year round. There are also thick forests around the town where we can gather berries and mushrooms and see wild animals like foxes, hares, and squirrels.

There are very few people and cars in

abayevo, and there are no factories here. That is why the water and the air are clean in this place. I am sure that it is very good for health to live in such a town.

However, sometimes life in Babayevo may seem rather boring. But that is not a problem at all because there is a busy railway running through the town, and it does not take long to get to Cherepovets, Vologda, Yaroslavl, or even Saint Petersburg and Moscow by train.

In conclusion, I can say that Babayevo is a comfortable small town that looks like a village and is suitable for people who prefer a quiet lifestyle.


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