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The introduction of the modern technologies in education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, a lot of people argue about the introduction of modern technologies in schools and universities. It is often believed that modern devises should be used a lot in learning and teaching. However, some people are convinced that we can not change our traditional education system and add computers in it.

In my opinion, we should introduce modern technologies in education. Firstly, gadgets allow to learn and teach even if the teacher and a student are far from each other. For instance, the professor may give lessons to the students that are ill and can not attend his lessons. Secondly, using devices in education may help the students in real life, because modern technologies are everywhere nowadays and everybody should know how to use them properly.

Nevertheless, some people are convinced that the introduction of gadgets in the education system is a bad idea, because of the everyday use of all the screens of smartphones, tablets, laptops etc.

It can be can be harmful the the eyes of both teachers and students. Poor eyes can influence on the education.

I cannot fully agree with the above opinion as these people fail to understand that if you do not take brakes every two hours, even reading will be harmful. If we use smartphones wisely, only as helpers in education, they will not be harmful to us.

Taking everything into consideration, these are two opposing points of view on the problem of introduction of gadgets in education. As I see it, we should technically develop our educational system.


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