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Using modern technologies in educational process is for the good marks (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of using modern technologies in education causes a lot of arguments and controversy. Some people believe that modern technologies have a bad influence on the course of the studying, while others suppose that they are really essential in the educational process as they boost it up.

From my point of view, modern technologies play an important role in life of schoolchildren and make their studies much easier. To begin with, new technologies include various devices that have access to the Internet. They give an opportunity to get any information for successful homework and to make school projects. What is more, scientists have developed new equipment like interactive blackboards which allow teachers to explain school material much clearer to students.

However, there is an opposing point of view which says new technologies impact educational process in a negative way.

First of all, modern gadgets can also entertain schoolchildren and in this way distract them from studies. Besides, the main negative impact of modern technologies in cheating in exams because it is very simple to pass the exams with gadgets. Students are allowed to use any calculators or phones during exams.

Despite my respect for this opinion I cannot share it. To start with, modern technologies can often be an excellent tool to cheat at exams or to relax and to entertain, but they do not always help you. Furthermore, you can use an alternative way to enjoy your life such as sport activities. As for me, I consider that you should learn all materials and books to pass the exams.

To conclude, I would like to say that although some people claim that these technologies can do harm to studying process. I strongly believe that modern gadgets boost the process of education.


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