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Travelling abroad helps to understand your own country example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Travelling overseas has become very popular, but there are different opinions on whether it strengthens our link with our homeland. Some people claim that going abroad is the best way to deeper understanding of the life of your country, while others do not support this viewpoint.

Personally, I believe that going abroad adds to one’s understanding of his motherland. Firstly, travelling in general makes you an all-round person. It broadens the mind, so one can judge different aspects of life more correctly. Secondly, while travelling overseas, we can meet many foreigners and learn about our country from their point of view, which will make us reconsider our national values and our understanding of them. Thus, I think that visiting other countries is crucial if you want to understand your homeland better.

However, there is an opposing opinion.

Some people claim that going overseas is not the best way to understand your country and its culture. They say that while travelling, we get absorbed in other people’s traditions and, consequently, forget our own.

Yet, I find this argument groundless, and I cannot agree with this opinion. It is common knowledge that our national traditions and values are a part of us, so we cannot forget them. Besides, while learning about other people’s culture, a person always compares it with his own, thinks about it harder and as a result understands it better. Thus, I believe that going overseas helps to understand our homeland.

All things considered, I still stick to my viewpoint. I am convinced that travelling abroad is the key to understanding your own country.

(266 слов)


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