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Famous people must learn to expect that their lives will never be private пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people think that famous people have to get used to be popular, other people think that all people should have private life. Who is right? I want answer this question in my essay.

I agree with this statement. Firstly, to be popular celebrities have to start their blogs and send new photos in Instagram. Fans can understand where their idols, what are they doing and their mood. Secondly, fans try to know all aspects of celebrity’s lives. They can like a detectives look after famous people. Sometimes it is crazy!

However, there are the opposing opinions. Firstly, some people think that all people should have private life and fans must not break it. Secondly, famous people can be tired of annoying fans. Constant emails and calls from fans can prevent famous people from just living.

Third, fans can write something bad to their idols or insult them. After that, there may be bad consequences. For example, lead to moral problems such as depression or cause negative emotions.

I cannot agree with this point of view. Some famous people are like authority for fans. It is very important to know all about their lives. In addition, for instance, your favourite actor often smoke and maybe you do not follow to him because you have your spiritual values.

To sum it up, I think famous people should learn themselves correct and polite because they are example for fans. They usually adapt to their idols and take their habits. Especially, it is popular for children and teenagers.


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