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Famous people must learn to expect that their lives will never be private пример 2 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on the privacy of celebrities' lives. Some people think it is necessary for famous people to prepare for public life. Others, on the contrary, claim that celebrities can hide personal things from society. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, it is difficult for famous people to avoid sharing privacy. First of all, there are a lot of fans who want to meet the celebrity, make a photo with him and get an autograph. Secondly, the media and paparazzi can be interested in private details of their personal affairs. What is more, if someone enters public life and become famous, he needs to be in the public eye to maintain his popularity.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They believe that celebrities can live incognito, escape all interviews and wear masking clothes to hide themselves from publicity.

Moreover, famous stars have parents, love partners and children who have a right to have the private life despite their popularity.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. It is difficult to avoid contact with other people in the modern world full of various means of communication. In addition, famous people with their families can easily be revealed by ordinary citizens.

In conclusion, I would like to say that celebrities must expect that their lives will not definitely be private. Famous people often have to deal with fans, paparazzi and even haters.


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