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It's important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they don't see any need for them in the near future (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is learning compulsory subjects. Some people think that high school students should study of them. Others take this opinion with a grain of some skepticism.

In my opinion, learning compulsory subjects for high school students is not as useless as it may seem at first sight. First of all, learning compulsory subjects helps people broaden their horizons of the world around them. Knowledge of these subjects is very important for students not only when entering into adulthood but also during their lives in dangerous and extreme situations. Secondly, high school students often drastically change their future career plans. That is why, it's not always guaranteed that any compulsory subject will be useless for a person in the near future.

However, there is another side to the question. Some people believe that learning compulsory subjects is time-consuming and because of it high school students don't have any free time. Moreover, studying this subject requires more attention and hard work from students to get good grades.

I personally disagree with the above-mentioned viewpoint. Firstly, I think that learning compulsory subject doesn't take a lot of time. Students should plan their days so that they can have time for studying or relaxation. As for good grades and attention, if a student really wants to be well-educated, intelligent, he should pay some attention for compulsory subjects to get good grades.

On this basis, I can conclude that learning compulsory subjects is very beneficial for high school students. I advise every high school student to learn compulsory subjects to make his life happier and more successful.


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