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High school students should study only the subjects they choose пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Young people enter colleges and universities to get a higher education. They study a lot of subjects there. Some people hold the opinion that they should study all of them. At the same time other people think that they should study subjects they want.

To my mind, only the subjects that are useful and that they choose should be studied. Firstly, it takes a lot of time to study a lot of subjects. You do not have time to specialize in subjects you need. As a result, you have wide knowledge of everything, but nothing is learned properly. Secondly, studying a few subjects you have more free time to develop yourself as a personality enriching your mind with cultural masterpieces. Moreover, you will have more time to develop your family relationships.

However, there are people who have an opposing opinion.

They think students should learn all the subjects which are included in the programme. They consider that studying all the subjects broadens students' outlook. In addition, people who learn all the subjects can easily change the qualification.

Nevertheless, I totally disagree with a previous opinion. I am sure students can improve their horizons not only in the colleges studying all the subjects. But they can do it visiting museums, theaters. As for the second opposing argument, I am convinced they can not change their qualification very easily and quickly. It takes a lot of time and energy.

In conclusion, I would like say that people should not waste their time for studying useless subjects. I am sure, they should concentrate only on the subjects they need to be great specialists and happy people.


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