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It is cruel to keep animals in zoos (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people are getting more and more concerned about the problem of holding animals in captivity. Some assume that it is cruel to restrain animals in zoos. Others think differently.

Personally, I consider that it is ruthless to keep animals in zoos. There are several reasons for my opinion. To begin with, animals are used to live in nature, thus, it is stressful for them to be in small cages. Moreover, animals in zoos are cut from wildlife, so they are deprived from the opportunity to hunt and be themselves.

However, there are people who are in sharp disagreement with my point of view. My opponents think that it is fair to keep animals in cages, because zoos provide animals with everything they need.

Furthermore, watching animals in reality increases the general knowledge of wildlife.

I am sure that this position is far from reality. My opponents fail to understand that people can get more information about animals' natural life watching wildlife programmes on TV. Moreover, not all zoos take good care of animals.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I believe that it is unfair to restrain animals in cages.All of them should live in natural habitat.

Nowadays, people are getting more and more concerned about the problem of holding animals in captivity. Some assume that it is cruel to restrain animals in zoos. Others think differently.

Personally, I consider that it is ruthless to keep animals in zoos. There are several reasons for my opinion. To begin with, animals are used to live in nature, thus, it is stressful for them to be in small cages. Moreover, animals in zoos are cut from wildlife, so they are deprived from the opportunity to hunt and be themselves.

However, there are people who are in sharp disagreement with my point of view. My opponents think that it is fair to keep animals in cages, because zoos provide animals with everything they need. Furthermore, watching animals in reality increases the general knowledge of wildlife.

I am sure that this position is far from reality. My opponents fail to understand that people can get more information about animals' natural life watching wildlife programmes on TV. Moreover, not all zoos take good care of animals.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I believe that it is unfair to restrain animals in cages.All of them should live in natural habitat.


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