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Animals should be keeping in zoos. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The problem of keeping animals in zoos has recently been a popular topic for discussion. While some people believe that zoos are useless and dangerous for wildlife, others believe that zoos are very useful and educational.

In my view, some animals should be taken from their natural surrounding and put into zoos. There are several reasons to support my opinion. First of all, zoos help save endangered species.

The animals are protected from poaching and severe climatic conditions. Apart from that, animals do not die from hanger because they always have enough food in zoos. Specialists monitor the proper nutrition of animals, for their vitamin balance, for females during pregnancy and feeding. Furthermore, zoos are good for entertainment and education. People can come to zoos and see rare species of animals that do not live in their country or

Or children living in the city can see and touch the pets that usually live on a farm such as cows, sheep, goats, chickens,

turkey, ducks, horses, rabbits.

However, opponents of this view say that animals are stressed and exhausted in zoos. Often in large animals such as a lion or bear very small cells, their nutrition is not always sufficient, frequent travel from place to place adversely affects the health of animals. They also argue that animals live in poor conditions. Dirty cages and animal`s feeders can become a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria, which in turn can damage animal health in zoos.

It is hard to agree with their opinion because veterinarians treat animals and constantly monitor their health. They periodically make them vaccinations, collect tests, add the necessary vitamins. Besides, now the authorities have allocate a lot of money to zoos. Owners of zoos can expand their area to arrange large waltzes for animals, so they are not crowded into small cells. There ate large cages in zoos now where the animals feel comfortable.

As already stated, I am convinced that some animals should live in zoos. After all, I wanted to say that people should gently treat the wildlife.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

Текст насчитывает 342 слова, что значительно превышает разрешённый объём сочинения. По этой причине проверке подлежит лишь фрагмент до слов It is hard to agree with their включительно. В результате ряд аспектов темы остаётся формально нераскрытым.

К2 (организация текста) – 1 балл

В сочинении прослеживается чёткая логика, однако абзацное членение вызывает большие вопросы. Так, в приведённом ниже фрагменте автор, очевидно, допустил технические ошибки при расстановке пробелов, следствием чего стала разорванность и малая смысловая связность текста.

in their country or

Or children living in the city can see and touch the pets that usually live on a farm such as cows, sheep, goats, chickens,

turkey, ducks, horses, rabbits.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) has recently been – has recently become [Следует сказать, что данная тема не была предметом обсуждения (been), а стала им (become)];

2) natural surroundingnatural habitat [Устоявшееся наименование естественной среды обитания животного – natural habitat];

3) can see and touch the pets – can see and touch animals [Далеко не все из перечисленных далее животных могут быть домашними питомцами];

4) very small cells – very small cages [Слово cell в данном случае не подходит, поскольку обозначает клетки живого организма, а не те, в которых содержат животных].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) Animals should be keeping in zoos – Animals should be kept in zoos [Грубая ошибка в самом названии текста – неверно образована форма страдательного залога];

2) Specialists monitor the proper nutrition of animals, for their vitamin balance, for females during pregnancy and feeding [Смысл предложения улавливается, но грамматическое оформление некорректно. Можно перефразировать таким образом: Specialists monitor the proper nutrition of animals, provide vitamin balance in their diet and take care of females during pregnancy and feeding];

3) turkey – turkeys [Существительное не поставлено во множественное число];

4) Often in large animals such as a lion or bear very small cells [Смысл улавливается, но грамматическое оформление предложения вновь оставляет желать лучшего. Думается, можно исправить его так: Large/big animals such as lions or bears often have to live in very small cages].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

hanger – hunger [В слове допущена меняющая его смысл опечатка].

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