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Online shopping is a waste of time пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world, the problem of the attitude to the Internet purchasing causes a great argument. Some people believe that buying things online is a loss of time, while others claim that online trade helps them in everyday life.

In my opinion, online shopping is the best way of shopping and is helps people. Firstly, people can save time. We do not need to drive to the shopping centre, walk there, stay in long queues. We have an opportunity to order everything we need and get it straight to our house. Secondly, we can save money. All things are cheaper if you buy them on the Internet. There are a lot of sales there as well. So, we can pay less for the same quality.

However, there are people who suppose that buying things online does not have many advantages.

There are a lot of unnecessary things people tend to buy while they are shopping online. We see a lot of advertising and think that we need all those useless things. This can make us spend more than we actually want.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion as our reality is full of advertising too so people should be attentive anyway. If you cannot deal with it you can turn off all the notifications on your device but it is impossible to do this in real life.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that online shopping can be a tremendous help for people who want to save their recourses. I believe that most of our shops will become online soon.


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