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Online shopping is a waste of time example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world, the problem of wasting time on doing purchases online causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that online shopping is a waste of time while others claim that doing shopping online is a good way to save your time.

In my opinion, online shopping is a great decision to buy things.

Firstly, you do not waste a lot of time in the mall for browsing shops to find exactly what you need.

For instance, when you buy clothes offline you have to find store when try on clothes and only after that you might buy something but it takes a long time to do it. While online you just have to choose your size, clink the button and pay for it.

Secondly, online shopping is cheaper. There is different kinds of sales and cashbacks in online shops for customers, which do not available for offline shopping.

Finally, online range of things is wider than in local shops.

However, there are people who suppose that online shopping is a waste of time because you cannot fit clothes so it is can go wrong and you might get unfit things.

Also they claim that online purchase is an unsafe way to do shopping that sellers can beat you and steal money.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion as unsuitable things you can put back and return your money.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that online shopping makes our life easier.


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