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Should children be pushed to achieve? Dilemma of happy childhood (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many discussions about whether parents should or should not prompt their children to attain anything. The main reason for that discussion is that fair share of parents want their descendants to reach many in their lives, which creates a dilemma related with happily lived childhood.

As for me, parents should not interfere with their children's life too much as the latter should live their childhood in their pleasure. Firstly, in this period there are many social institutions like school where a child, along with everything else, has different competitions with other children. Secondly, the school and friends help a lot to raise future person's self-esteem. Secondly, this way of doing things develops social skills and helps children to get through many social problems and to deal with them properly.

However, some people think that children should be forced to achieve stuff.

To start with, their first reason for such thinking is that otherwise they might spend the precious youth's time without any use. Moreover, the proponents of this point of view suspect that if children are raised this way, they might keep on living idly even in their adultness and spend their time in vain, thus hurting themselves and their parents.

Anyway, I still think that most of the children should not be pushed hardly to achieve because this only makes them guided and has very bad influence on their perception and life values.

In conclusion I would like to also state the importance of happy childhood for children as it affects their future life very much.


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