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Summer holidays in the countryside are the best for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A lot of teenagers spend their summer holidays in a big city. Some people say that it is better for adolescents to spend their summer holidays in a rural area, while others argue that this is not the case.

From my point of view, it is better to spend holidays in the countryside. Firstly, it is a great opportunity to communicate with your relatives. Secondly, there is a fresh air which is good for your health. Moreover, all products in the village are natural. Besides, in the countryside adolescents learn to work hard, helping their grandparents in a garden.

However, some people say that teenagers will be better off in the city. Firstly, in the village adolescents may not have friends. They will be bored to be there without their peers.

Secondly, modern teenagers are used to the Internet, which is the most likely not to be in the countryside.

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Firstly, it is a good opportunity to make new friends. Secondly, adolescents spend a lot of time on the computers these days, which is harmful to their health. So, the lack of gadgets and the Internet can benefit them.

Taking into consideration two different opinions on the problem, I still believe that spending summer in the village is better for adolescents than staying in the city.

A lot of teenagers spend their summer holidays in a big city. Some people say that it is better for adolescents to spend their summer holidays in a rural area, while others argue that this is not the case.

From my point of view, it is better to spend holidays in the countryside. Firstly, it is a great opportunity to communicate with your relatives. Secondly, there is a fresh air which is good for your health. Moreover, all products in the village are natural. Besides, in the countryside adolescents learn to work hard, helping their grandparents in a garden.

However, some people say that teenagers will be better off in the city. Firstly, in the village adolescents may not have friends. They will be bored to be there without their peers. Secondly, modern teenagers are used to the Internet, which is the most likely not to be in the countryside.

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Firstly, it is a good opportunity to make new friends. Secondly, adolescents spend a lot of time on the computers these days, which is harmful to their health. So, the lack of gadgets and the Internet can benefit them.

Taking into consideration two different opinions on the problem, I still believe that spending summer in the village is better for adolescents than staying in the city.


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