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40.1 Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people claim science is the most important thing to be made a contribution in. Others don’t agree with this point of view considering there are some things which are more necessary to be financed. My task is to examine this visions and to find all contradictions in both of them in my essay .

To my mind, there are much more beneficial things to be financed than science. First of all, the humanity can live without science, but it can live with no place for living or with no infrastructure which is used by billions of people every day. We’d better finance ecology or social sphere, providing us everything we need. Secondly, science has already achieved the top of iceberg . And now many scientists are producing something new, but unnecessary, for instance, pockets for urine or some phone accessories which are just a decoration item.

There is also another point of view.

People who are followers of this idea insist science should be financed firstly because it make an influence on each sphere of human activities. Science move trade, solve political conflicts, provides educational sphere and health caring with new inventions.

Nevertheless, there are some critical moments in this opinion. I can’t call all of inventions useful for society . Discovery of plastic allowed to cut manufacturer’s expenses but it took us to global ecological crisis.

Although, we can find as pros as cons in financing the science, I’ d like to stand my ground: science is not the first thing to be contributed in.


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