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Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world. Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The modern world cannot be imagined without science. So, some people think that it should be funded firstly, while others claim that there are other things that are to be financed.

In my opinion, science really needs a good financial base to continue its development that would be greatly beneficial for humanity. Firstly, explorations mean progress. People in the past could only dream about smartphones, cars and space research programmes, while nowadays they are just normal things.

Secondly, only scientists can help us to save the environment. For instance, they are able to find new effective ways to reduce water and air pollution using less energy and resources.

However, some people believe that there are many problems on our planet like terrorism and wars. They say that governments should spend money to solve them first.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opponents’ opinion. The point is that science is able to solve many of the problems. This means that even the amount and cruelty of war and terrorism can be reduced if sociologists and political scientists find methods to deal with different international conflicts.

To sum up, though the problem of funding science in the modern world is rather controversial, I strongly believe that we should continue to finance it more than other things because it is strongly connected with the progress which gives us a lot of benefits.


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