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Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world, is't it? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is known that scientific research often requires spending money to construct and

operate facilities, hire scientists and perform experiments. Some people state that nowadays science should be a priority of financial support, while others insist that there are more important issues to deal with first. In the following essay I will to express my opinion on this issue.

In my opinion, science is one of the most important fields of society’s life and it should be given proper amount of money to keep functioning.

First of all, societies that undervalue the importance of scientific development soon face such consequences as technological gap and general stagnation.This point has been proven historically several times in different periods and regions.

Furthermore, scientific progress strongly correlates with all of the other spheres of life.

For instance, it has positive effect on healthcare, security, agriculture and even the general level of well-being among the population.

However, some people suggest that there are more important fields that are in need of financial aid. Most often they name medicine, social welfare and military industry.

I cannot agree with this opinion because I believe that without scientific advancement any other industry would develop slowly or even would totally stop to progress. Therefore, no amount of money will be able to support them without a help of science.

To sum up, despite the arguments that prove there are other things aside from science that should be a main focus of financiation, I am convinced that in today’s world there is nothing more important than research and that scientific development is not only highly beneficial but absolutely necessary and should be supported.


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