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Smoking should be prohibited пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of a prohibition of smoking causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that smoking has to be outlaw because it is very harmful. Others claim that smoking should not be forbidden as it is a private choice of every person. Personally, I think that smoking should definitely be prohibited.

To begin with, smoking destroys people’s health. Substances which are in cigarettes cause a lot of awful diseases such as asthma and even cancer. Furthermore, a lot of humans smoke in the streets or in public places. They make others inhale a cigarette smoke, which is very harmful, especially for children’s health.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. Some people claim that smoking should not be forbidden by the law. They say that in many countries, cigarette sale taxes make up a significant part of the state budget and that prohibition of smoking may cause big economic problems.

Despite my respect for this point of view, I cannot share it.

I am sure that people’s health is more important than any economic issues. It is awful to make money on destroying human’s lives. In conclusion, I would like to say that I still believe that smoking is a terrible habit that ruins one’s health and that is why it has to be prohibited.

In my personal opinion that is all i wanted to tell you about the theme that I mentioned before. Thanku you very vry much that you have read this text i am really hope that yua are satisfied from the main idea that i touched here and my arguments. Thanks very much who read this text fo your attention.


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