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Space exploration is our future direction of development because in some decades the Earth could be no longer survivable (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of a space exploration has always aroused sharp debates. Some people consider that these researchers help people survive in modern world. However, others do not share their point of view. This problem is really worth discussing. Let us observe it.

According to my way of thinking, I do not see any drawbacks in this statement and I can give several reasons to prove my opinion. To start with, our planet is dying because of pollution. Soon people will need new home with a clear environment. In addition, the birth rate of people decreases due to all kinds of diseases. People become less and less every day as the Earth has poor conditions for life.

Nevertheless, some people have a different point of view.

They claim that space exploration is harmful and useless for people. They say that it is very expensive and they do not see any progress. In their opinion, it would be better if money went to the struggle against pollution.

Though, I respect their opinion but I cannot agree with it. Progress should not be seen immediately. It takes time to secure a decent life thanks to these space explorations.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that in spite of the fact how many points of view concerning the problem there may be, I still stand my ground that people need space explorations and deserve a great life. These researches are a big impetus to a new life.


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