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The best holidays and festivals are the ones with specific traditions for celebrating (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people usually often have heated arguments among themselves concerning the differences of opinions: whether it is traditional festivities or their modern counterparts being the best kind of holiday?

To my mind, the best holidays are the ones that are traditional. Firstly, traditions help people to unite and become one whole. Secondly, it does also help people with developing such essential virtues as selflessness, responsibility and mutuality. Finally, traditional festivities help people not to lose their national individuality, which, by all means, is also very important.

Yet some people argue and disagree with such an opinion. There are some of them who claim that holidays and festivals are supposed to gather people just to have a good and funny time and enjoy the celebration as it, as they think, is the main reason to ever gather. Besides, a few of them also allege that they get too much tired on their jobs and thus make self-justifications for themselves.

However, I do not agree with this opinion.

I think that in a case when celebrations have none of traditions, it affects people in a bad way slowly causing them becoming too selfish and losing their morality. Besides, their minds get focused only on «having a good time», they become ignorant and nothing else then matters to them.

So in the end, to conclude my reasonings, I would like to add that holidays and celebrations based on traditions help people to stay united as one, not forgetting the real life values. People should always remember the very reason of any holiday.


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