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40. The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is common knowledge nowadays that many modern people start to forget some traditions of different holidays thinking that they are not relevant anymore. The important issue is whether people should save specific traditions or it is not necessary to make celebrations enjoyable.

In my opinion, the best holidays and festivals are the traditional ones. To start with, traditions really unite people and help them build close relationships, because these people have same values.

Moreover, celebrating national holidays can form identity, which may help remember and appreciate some historical facts and roots of each nation.

However, there are some people who think it is better to celebrate holidays in a simple way without honoring old traditions. They claim that national celebrations can separate people from other cultures so it may lead to a conflict. They are sure that in our modern society there is no place for old remnants which only slow down a progress.

I disagree with this viewpoint. Firstly, keeping national traditions means self-identity and belonging to a certain nation so traditional celebration often gather people together and make their holidays happier. Secondly, I should mention that every country has its own traditions that not only broadens minds and show interesting aspects in order to make celebrations funnier, but it helps in different scientific projects so thanks to it we can avoid some past mistakes and develop ourselves in a best way.

All in all, celebrations with strong traditions make our lives happier and help us stay connected, remember real values. People should never forget the importance of traditions.


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