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Teenagers should be allowed to read whatever books they like 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of reading among adolescents has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that teenagers should be allowed to read whatever books they like. However, the others claim that a great deal of literature must be forbidden for youngsters. In my essay I am going to express my personal opinion on the matter, debate with my opponents and draw the balanced conclusion.

In my opinion, teens can read types of books they are interested in. Firstly, tastes in literature vary from person to person, that is why adolescents can obtain benefits only from books they choose themselves. Secondly, as a book is a way to widen the knowledge on the modern world, teenagers should select the way to explore it according to their own willingness.

However, some people criticize my point of view. They suppose that one should not allow young people to read everything they want. This process should be under control because a lot of books contain violence that influences teens' minds harmfully.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this statement. The point is that violent content cannot affect teenagers badly because modern adolescents grow up rapidly and are mentally stable. Besides, cruelty in literature is really enlightening because a youngster can always take lessons from it.

In conclusion, summarizing all the points, I strongly believe that the choice of books to read should be based on teenagers' tastes and interests and they can devour every literary work they want.


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