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Teenagers should be allowed to read whatever books they like example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that children should choose books that suit their own taste and interests, while the others are convinced that some reading content should be censored for teenagers.

Personally, I think that some literature should be banned for teenagers. First of all, youngsters are very impressionable. There are books which may have a negative impact on their psychological development.

esides, some books contain dangerous information which may arouse antisocial ideas in young minds. Young people may interpret the ideas in a wrong way, which may threaten the safety of other people. Eventually, in our age of information books can easily be used to manipulate people.

However, some people argue that teenagers should be allowed to read whatever they want. They say that youngsters are conscious enough to filter information and decline extremist ideas. Moreover, people who support this view say that censoring books for children is the violation of their rights, which is unacceptable.

As for me, I don’t agree with this point of view.

I believe that teenagers are especially vulnerable to manipulation, and certain control is necessary indeed.

In summary, teenagers are not able to manage the information as well as adults can do it. This may put young people at stake and involve them into dangerous situations. It may also pose a threat for the society.


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