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Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

No doubt that today we spend a part of our lives on the Internet. Some people claim that communicating online hinders the communication in real life. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

From my point of view, nowadays people spend too much time on the Internet and sometimes even forget about their close people. Firstly, I often observe the situation when a group of teens walk on the street together and text somebody or flip the news feed. Social networks disturb and keep us away from communicating with real friends. Secondly, many people on the Internet are very rude and impolite because they know that nobody will punish them. Ignorance and insult to people online teaches others communicate the same way on the social networks and in real life too.

However, there are people who have the opposite opinion. For them virtual communication and communication in reality are the same things. Even more, they consider that communication online helps people to develop their real-life social skills. Virtual interaction can be useful for shy and unsociable people who are afraid of talking to strangers.

I cannot completely agree with this idea because chatting online we cannot fully express our emotions because communication on the Internet needs shorter and simpler vocabulary.

To sum up, I would like to say that sometimes we should switch off our gadgets and communicate with people in reality otherwise virtual interaction will become a serious problem for our real-life social skills.


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