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Some people believe that they should not have to pay tax to the state (IELTS) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is argued that citizens must not be obliged to pay taxes to the government. This point of view may exist and have arguments in its favour, but I disagree with this statement and I believe that the state's money is necessary for the development of society.

Taxes are a guarantee of comfortable livelihoods for all people in the country. The government provides public services for both rich and poor people and provides free assistance to those in need. For example, in developed countries, there are assistance for poor families and unemployment benefits. In addition, schools and hospitals are built on money collected from taxes. People are entitled to free health care and other benefits for society.

Besides providing financial support to the poorer sections of the community, a tax system is one solution for filling the gap between wealthy and indigent.

Through taxation, money is circulated between different segments of society, making it easier for poor people to live because in a worst-case scenario they can count on financial support from the state. At the same time, tax payments do not have a big impact on the lives of rich people, because even with tax deductions they remain wealthy citizens of their country. Therefore, in developed countries with stable economies, the gap between rich and poor is minimized due to states' tax policies.

In conclusion, I can say taxation is required to bring all citizens benefits. Moreover, the right tax policy choice by the government can make society more equal.


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