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Human cloning experiments should not be controlled by the government (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

7 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

One issue that has a lot of controversy over the years is human cloning experiments. Some people assume that they should get independence, but others claim the government must control this kind of researches.

In my opinion, human cloning experiments cannot be self-sufficiently, because of irreversible consequences. The main problem it will gain is overpopulation. That is why these experiments should be controlled by the government. Moreover, intervention in nature changes the DNA-structure, so no one will able o predict the effect of human cloning.

However, there is another side of that point of view. Somebody states genetic science should exist separately from the government. Most politicians have their own goals, so human cloning experiments become another one weapon for competitor's removal.

Also, the government can use it to create a special army, which is immoral. Some scientists say it will lead to lots of war conflicts.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that opinion. Firstly, most statements consider human cloning as a good way for organ donation development. According to the statistics. these researches increase the medical service on the new level. while the competitor's removal is not sponsored. Secondly, creating an army with human clones can save millions lives of real people.

In conclusion, I strongly believe human cloning experiments should be controlled by the government as one of the most interesting and mysterious kinds of modern researches, which can improve our life.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

1) Не вполне понятно, как клонирование может использоваться для «устранения конкурентов» (competitor's removal).

2) Еще менее понятно, что имел в виду автор, говоря об «отсутствии спонсирования устранения конкурентов» (competitor's removal is not sponsored).

3) В первой части четвёртого абзаца не содержится понятного опровержения тезиса о возможности использования клонирования в качестве способа устранения конкурентов (при всей противоречивости самого этого тезиса) – автор рассуждает лишь о донорстве органов и повышении уровня оказания медицинских услуг.

4) Использована разговорная форма lots of, что является нарушением нейтрального стиля.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован в целом верно.

К3 (лексика) – 1 балл

1) that has a lot of controversy – that has inspired a lot of controversy;

2) problem it will gain – problem it will cause;

3) Somebody statesSome people state;

4) most statements consider [Необходима замена слова statements, т.к. оно не подходит по смыслу];

5) increase the medical service on the new leveltake the medical service to the next level.

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) cannot be self-sufficiently – cannot be self-sufficient;

2) no one will able – no one will be able;

3) become another one weapon – become another weapon;

4) millions lives – millions of lives.

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 0 баллов

1) self-sufficiently, because of – self-sufficient because of;

2) DNA-structure – DNA structure;

3) able o predict – able to predict;

4) According to the statistics. these – According to the statistics, these;

5) level. while – level, while;

6) researches, which can – researches which can.

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