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The Internet is the greatest time-waster example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some groups of people often have arguments between themselves whether the Internet is a time-wasting service or it is not. Some consider it useless, whereas others think it would help people in many occasions.

As I think, the Internet is a good helper for people. Firstly, with the help of the Internet a person can learn a lot of different useful things from other people. Secondly, it is considered to be a good educational source for everyone. Finally, it serves the way for the worldwide globalization and does stir away all the boundaries between different nationalities.

Nevertheless, there are as many opinions as there are people in the world, and some of these people think right the opposite of the opinion that was stated above. To start with, the proponents of this opinion state that the Internet causes strong addiction to it.

Besides, there are plenty of trolls and bullies who inhabit its surroundings; though harmless, they can still spoil person's nerves pretty much, and this is not a good thing for anyone.

Anyway, if you use the world wide web properly, you would not be bullied or trolled by anyone. The potential it possesses is ineffably great, and if person gets too much addicted to it, this is only their fault.

To sum everything up I would like to emphasize the Internet's importance and state that this is a good source to educate yourself with. What concerns cyber-bullying and trolling, these are just people's vices which are ineradicable and which conscious people should avoid.


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