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Internet is the greatest time – waster (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Internet one of the greatest inventions in 20 century. People cannot imagine our life without it, we use it every day. However, some people think that the internet is far from the best way to spend your free time. I would like to express my point of view in this essay.

To my mind, the Internet helps us in all areas of life. Firstly, in our free time we can read books or watch educational films thanks to the Internet. It will not be a waste of time but time that will benefit. Secondly, people are social creatures, which means that we just need to communicate, and the Internet perfectly helps us in this. we can meet people from other countries, as well as communicate with our relatives.

There are people who do not agree that the Internet has more pros than cons.

To begin with, not everyone uses the Internet correctly. People do not realize how much time they are wasting. For example, flipping through an Instagram feed or reading about the lives of others, forgetting about own. Moreover, often youth begins to get involved in computer online games and cannot stop playing. young people can put off or completely forget about their affairs

Despite the fact that truthful things were also said in the opposite point of view, I still think that the Internet is a great thing. Another proof that spending time on the Internet can be useful is that you can learn a language while at home and doing it at a convenient time. Skype tutors and online courses will help with this.

In conclusion, I want to say that the disadvantages are exaggerated and the immediate benefits of spending time on the Internet are obvious. It is only necessary at least sometimes to get in touch with the real world, otherwise all the knowledge gained on the Web will be useless.


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