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Human cloning is unethical and should be forbidden (IELTS) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Task: To what extend do you agree or disagree: Human cloning is unethical and should be forbidden.

It is argued that human cloning must be banned because research in this area and its results are immoral. This essay agrees that enforcing quotas or imposing taboos on cloning is necessary for the well-being of mankind. Firstly, this essay will discuss what impact can human cloning have on society in the case of recognition of the equality of the clones and the original people, and secondly, discuss consequences of these experiments for the clones when the clones will not be accepted as full members of society.

The existence of clones will change the relationship between people for the worse. If people will treat clones as equals, the possibility of artificial reproduction by making copies could destroy all of man's view of love and family. It is likely that the vast majority of society will do not want to build a family and will ignore other people's feelings and desires. People will become more selfish, which will inevitably lead to a lack of culture and immorality of society.

With the opposite ingrained attitude, clones may be restricted in human rights.

People can start treating clones as things and not seeing them as individuals. Some performed at our time psychological tests hinted on this outcome of events. For instance, Professor of psychology Paul Bloom carried out an interesting experiment. He offered to children copy some things by using the special machine. When the cloning of living creatures was proposed, the psychologist noticed that the attitude of children to the clone of the hamster was not the same as to the original pet. Children with no prejudices relying on instincts felt that the clone not equal to the original.

In conclusion, the technology of cloning living beings is unethical because it can cause an increase of stratification of society than there is at the moment and face new problems of racism and discrimination.


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