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University education is essential for young people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that it is very important to study at university for teenagers . Definitely, not everybody agrees with that opinion. They consider that university education is not so significant for young people. 33

In my opinion, university education is very important for all adolescents. Firstly, almost every well-paid job requires from people education at university. Certainly, all young people want to earn a lot of money and I believe that studying at university is very essential for them. Secondly, university gives a lot of opportunities to teenagers for their future life and career. They gain a valuable experience of communicating with different kinds of people. This knowledge can help in socializing. Nowadays, you cannot live without community and university education can improve communicative skills that’s why this education is significant for adolescents.


However, many people believe that studying at university isn’t essential for teens. They think that it is just a waste of time. There are a lot of employers who want to find employees even without university education, because their kind of work does not require higher education. 47

I cannot agree with the above opinion. I consider that education at university can help find a job immediately, while people without higher education will find a job for a long time. 32

In conclusion, I strongly believe that studying at university is very important for young people because it is the best way to develop myself and gain experience, knowledge . 28

Words = 238


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