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It's wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Reading is very important to all of us, especially for kids. However, teachers sometimes give to the children many books to read on summer holidays. There is a dispute on this issue. Some people think that the educator should not make pupils read a lot in summer, while others believe that it is normal for students to read many books on holidays time. So, where is the truth?

Im my opinion, pupils should read much in summer. Firstly, reading develop their language and vocabulary skills. If they read more books, it would be better for children in the future. Secondly, a kid would be all summer in work atmosphere. So, it would be easier to him to start learning in new form. Thirdly, it is good for parents, because they know that their child is at home in safe environment reading books.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. First of all, pupils do not have free time to relax or go out with friends. Moreover, these books children study at school. They should not read them twice.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot agree with it, because reading takes two or three hours a day. After that there is all day to relax. Finally, many books that teacher gives to summer are not included in the school curriculum. So, only the time when pupil can read them is summer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that reading is very beneficial for kids. I think it is not wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. Parents and teachers should think about it and understand the importance of reading books.


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