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Team sports help people develop a strong character than individual sports do (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, doing sport is very popular pastime. But there is a dispute as some people believe that team sports make people stronger in character than when doing individual one, while others think that individual sports have more benefits for person's mettle. So, where is the truth?

In my opinion, team sports have much more influence on the human's character than individual. Firstly, person should always train in team. Sometimes there are disagreements between teammates, which should not influence on sport's results. A sportsman in group sport has to be restrained. Secondly, all team members want to be the best in their collective. So, they always compete with each other.

It is develops your strength, because you all time want to be in the top of your team. Thirdly, sportsman should understands his teammates very quickly. It makes a person more attentive, so he become stronger mentally and physically than individual sportsman.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. First of all, by individual sports you become more motivated, because you have no people, who can support you. Besides, sportsman can concentrate only on himself. It gives an opportunity to analyze and correct his mistakes by himself. As a result this person becomes more self-confident. So, this type of sport makes human's character stronger.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement, because in team sports a person can be motivated by teammates and trainer. Finally, members of sport group can help their teammates with analyzing and correcting his mistakes. So, it is easier to control yourself in group sports. Team helps to become stronger in character.

To conclusion, I would like to say that team sports develop in people character more benefit traits than individual one. When people do this type of sport, they make theirs personality stronger.


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