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Shopping online is better than shopping in the mall (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of shopping online is better than shopping in the mall has always aroused heated debates. Some people think that shopping online is much more comfortable than shopping in the mall. But others think that shopping online is not better than shopping in the mall. Let’s us speculate what makes them think so.

I cannot but agree that shopping online is better than shopping in the mall. First of all, there is you no need to leave the house and stand in lines. It also saves time and you won’t grab the flu in the winter season. Secondly, in online stores there is a wide range of goods and it gives you a chance to choose whatever you like.

Some opponents might argue that shopping online is not better than shopping in the mall. Firstly, you may not guess with the size and get clothes that are not your size but in the mall you can try on clothes and choose a right size.

Secondly, you can stumble on scammers on the Internet and lose your money. Thirdly, you can wait your order for a long time but in the mall you can immediately buy clothes and you don’t need to wait.

Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned ideas. First of all, you can immediately read product reviews. Secondly, it’ll take you only a few minutes to visit dozens of stories and order goods immediately. Thirdly, you can buy a unique product that will be made specifically for you or order it from abroad.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone should chooses that method that is more convenient for him.


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