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Team sports help people develop a stronger character than individual sport (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that who do sports with others can progress with developing strong personalities better than people,who do sports alone.Definitely,not everybody agrees with that opinion. They consider that individual sport is the better way to develop a strong character than team sports 46

In my opinion, people are doing team sports have the strongest character. Firstly, they can communicate with members of team and learn from them something new. For example, how to make something better in this kind of sport. I think that learning is very important for developing personality. Secondly, sport in team can help to improve social skills, because members collaborate with each other because of distribution of sport responsibilities. 70

However, many people believe that you can have a strong character if you are do sport alone.

They consider that when someone has not a team,then this person has not something distractions and can focus on only sport. 39

Personally I cannot agree with the above opinion. I consider that without people, who can support,help you in sport is impossible to develop strong personality because I think it is very important to know that you can be supported by someone. 42

In addition,I strongly believe that doing sports in team can improve character and do this powerful unlike the one-on-one sport. 21

216 words


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